Page 799 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 799


                                      CHAPTER X.

              Administration Report of the Bahrain Political Agency for the year
               Charge of the Political Agency was held hy Major Dickson, C.I.E., till
           28th November 1920. From 29th November the charge was held by Khan
           Sahib Savyad Saddiq Hasan, the Indian Assistant.

                         II.—Sheikh Isa and Al-Khalifah Family.
               Relations with Sheikh Isa have continued fairly satisfactory with the
           exception of the following few cases:—
                 (1)  Sheikh Isa imprisoned a Persian who had settled down in Qatar and
                       latterly in Muharraq for alleged embezzlement, of money belong­
                       ing to an Arab merchant who had complained to Sheikh Isa.
                       The Political Agent demanded the man’s release and asked that
                       the case bo sent to the Agency for investigation. At first
                       Sheikh Isa refused to release the mon on the plea that lie was
                       from Qatar and domiciled in Bahrain ; but on further demand
                       Sheikh Isa asked that he should be put in direct telegraphic com­
                       munication with Government of India. It was pointed out that
                       the Bahrain Order in Council clearly laid down the procedure in
                       such cases, but if he wanted to make any representation to Gov­
                       ernment it should be sent to Political Agent who would forward
                       it to higher authorities as usual. Eventually Sheikh Isa released
                       the Persian concerned and sent him to the Agency and the case
                       was proceded with in the ordinary way.
                 (2)  In the second case a Shiah Bahrani of village Sinabis (four miles
                       from Manamah) a subject of Sheikh Isa, took refuge in the Agency
                       as his house had been surrounded by the Fidawis of Sheikh
                       Abdullah-bin Ha who had ordered the Bahrani to produce a big
                       and valuable pearl purchased from Qatif. Sheikh Abdullah’s
                       avowed object in ordering the production of this pearl was to levy
                       a large amount as zaka or royalty which is customarily taken by
                       the Sheikh on an unusually big pearl when one is found in the
                       Bahrain Fisheries or purchased in Bahrain or its territorial
                       waters; while the Bahrani was afraid, in light of past ex­
                       perience of some of his class, that once the pearl got out of his
                       hands it would never be returned by Sliei  kh Abdullah. He
                       refused therefore to take it to Sheikh Abdullah and shut himself
                       up in his house, escaping at night when it was being surrounded
                       by Fidawis with the object of taking the pearl forcibly. As a
                       refugee he was allowed to stop in the Agency for the night and
                       sent to Sheikh Isa next morning with a message that the Political
                       Agent expected that he would not be wronged or persecuted, but
                       treated in a just and honourable way. Sheikh Isa and his son
                       Sheikh Abdullah were greatly chagrined, but left the Bahrani
                       unmolested and he was enabled to take his pearl to Bombay for
                       sale.                                                                 ;
                 (3) Government’s decision on the four requests made in London by
                       Sheikh Abdullah on behalf of his father was conveyed in June.
                       As was to be expected each of the four requests was disallowed
                       by Government as unreasonable and Sheikh Isa and his sons were
                       extremely disappointed and showed their disappointment and
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