Page 797 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 797
May and returned in September. Miss Lutton left Muscat in July and
returned in September.
Red. G. Van Peursem left for Hajar on 21st April and returned on
25th April.
Doctor (Miss) Ilosmon loft for Sib on 8th December and returned to
Muscat on 24th December.
Owing to the scarcity of rain the hot weather proved more trying than
usual, there being almost six weeks on end of (he hot wind. All the British
officers (with one exception) of the
Climate and weathar.
regiment stationed at Bait-ul-Falaj had
to be invalided, while the exhaustion produced by the prolonged hot weather
resulted in every one falling victim to the peculiarly virulent Muscat fever at
the commencement of the cold weather.
The highest temperature recorded during the year was 112-9 and 108 was
recorded at midnight at Bait-ul-Falaj.
Total rainfall during the year was 82 cents only.
H. M. S. Britomart visited the port on 25th February, 23rd
March and finally having finished her
term of service left for Bombay on 20th
April. H. M. S. Clio remained at Muscat from 11th May to
24th May.
H. M. S. Bspiegle remained here frdrn 28th May to 6th
The French sloop Altair arrived at Muscat on 2nd May. On entering
the harbour she saluted the port and the salute was duly returned by His
Highness’s saluting battery.
The VVazir to His HiphnesB accompanied by Saiyid Nadir, brother of
His Highness, paid an official visit on
Foreign Navy,
board the same morning.
The Commander paid an official visit to the Political Agent the same
afternoon which was returned on board the following morning. The Political
Agent was accorded the usual salute on landing.
The Wazir and His Highness’s brothers entertained the officers of the
sloop to dinner on the 2nd May where the Political Agent and the French
Consul wore also present.
The ship left for Basra on 4th.
She again arrived from Bushire on 21st and left for Bombay on 23rd
Political Agent, Muscat.