Page 800 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 800


                            irritation in a number of petty ways, chiefly by trying to persuade
                            some of the ignorant foreigners to take their cases and complaints
                            to Sheikh Isa and his officials till at last the Sheikh was reminded
                            of the decision that his jurisdiction was limited to natives of
                            Bahrain, while all foreigners including Arabs from the neigh­
                            bouring districts were under the Political Agent’s jurisdiction as
                            British protected persons. Since then (November) there has
                            been no more attempt of this kind on the part of Sheikh Isa or
                            his sons.
                      (4) A Naj'li woman apparently flying from her husband who threatened
                           to murder her for alleged misconduct, took refuge in tho Agency.
                           The Political Agent tried to have her protected by the Dosari
                           headman of the village of Budayya where her husband lived; but
                           as the headman did not accept tho responsibility, she was given a
                           paper to show that sho had sought protection of tho Agency and
                           her complaint was to be enquired into, and forbidding any one
                           to molest her. Sho put up with some friends in Manamah where
                           her husband found her and on tho pretence of making a recon­
                           ciliation entored her compartment and murdered her with a knife.
                           The matter was reported to Sheikh Isa who refused to arrest tho
                           murderer and liis friends and strongly objected to the Political
                           Agent’s action claiming that the woman was one of his own
                           subjects and as such should not have been given protection, etc.
                           The case was submitted to higher authorities. This gave rise
                           to a petition which was prepared at the instigation of certain
                           disaffected persons including Sheikh Abdullah-bin-Isa signed only
                           by Arabs of Muharraq and addressed to Sir Percy Cox. It pur­
                           ported to complain against the Political Agent, Major Dickson,
                           for so-called high-hinded actions like building an aerodromo and
                           blocking a public road, starting a Municipality with consequent
                           rates, and curtailing their liberties, etc., etc. Sheikh Isa was
                           led to support the petition which he sent to the Resident with a
                           letter in much the same strain.
                     (5) At the instance of some of his subjects Bin Saud protested against
                           the 6 per cent, duty charged by Sheikh Isa on goods consigned to
                           Hasa and Qatif and demanded a rebate. When this was pointed
                           out to Sheikh Isa and a reasonable reduction suggested, he showed
                           much irritation and refused to allow any reduction. The matter
                           was submitted to Government and with some difficulty the Sheikh
                           finally agreed to charge 2 per cent, on such transit goods and
                           Rs. 20 per bale of pice j-goods. This he also considers unfair and
                           due to the instigations of Ilis Majesty’s Government’s representa­
                                III.—Victoria Memorial Hospital.
                   Assistant Surgeon G. K. Monani was in charge throughout the year. The
              number of cases treated as compared with the two previous years is as follow :—-

                               If *r.                 In-door*.  Out-door*.  Total.

              1918                                      30        5,870     5,900
              19)9                                      55        5,723     5,778
              1920                                      54       4,738      4,792

                                IV.—The Political Agent’s tours.
                  On the 29th January the Political Agent left for Hassa via Ojair,
              returning on 17th Pcbruary after visiting Bin Saud at bis own request. As
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