Page 189 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 189

Bahrain-Qatar seabed, 1951-1960              579

                                              (C3 9/4/40/M)     POLITICAL AQKUCY,
                     (•i A’/t/n^.) jj»
                                                                 14th May, lOfil.
            •irt • u

        V*         I         V1 ^mTi/ I ij...
                                                  His Ulghncaa Shaikh Sir Caiman
              u»- ss~*i o          ‘J1 j*.....J 1
                                                   bln U*a*d A1 Khollfah, X.C.I.R.,
         ^.3a«]       ® p^*- fjJ'xt I* y*"»' ^
                                                        F.ular of Bahrain.
       fftfawo*SJ^ pX-JJ
                                               After Coapllnontm
                         • y....|.lJJ jt)UI
         g— l—t J>-J I O I   -/J I g-J
                                                      J have tho honour to any that
                          L^o^-eJa__! j-J
                                               2 have recontly recolved a letter from
                                               tho Bahrain Petroleum Company about
                2^1----m\ v>
                                               the division of the sea-bed between
          J.. -      J *    ——.1    1 I - •«■> I J
                                               your litate and the Jt>«te of Qatar.
                ■"< V ^ g ■■ ■ "i a......J I pi ■ i»f
                                               Your Highness will ranecher that In
           J----)| 1 Ut tjfm
                                               a letter dnt»^ the 93rd December, 1947»
                j£mn >•    pi
                                               I Inform*;’ Your Itltrhnona of.tho deol-
          IJ-----a Jl  a : i ’     v-^l----•   alon of Ills Majesty*8 Oovorn&eht re-
                  ij 1 Jl.wi g»-■ nil Ij Jin in 1
                                               Kurdina this boundary and that X ex-
        o-*v    f     Jl y Lw^O I U’mJk} y     plained In the same letter tho reason
          g—A        i»* \<pgliiiii»Sn 1JJj>*
                                               why It was tteocnoary at that tine to
         J—I U~—J j    • O.___}j___ II v»J.___ 1 J  decide upon tho boundary,   A aiollar
         •>j         L-* i—*1—, i—3—r
                                               letter vaa .sent to the Ruler of Qatar.
              wy—JyaJ'eUJ Afj            •1
                                               a.     Aubaequontly Your Hlghnose
                      __1 (__*—?l *—51—1       wrote to r<l saying thut you disagreed
        • ....DLaJI y. ■ -..>- L-»—■ M0pjLm*+
                                               with His Majesty's Qovernnant's de­
        o—r         jil 4...J J u-«J* L-        cision.   in reply I info mod you of
        4 o       I g«-i O.JL.^1
                                                the f».ctord which had been taken into
           l.!. 4fj O—^ ®           11* Jl it   account whan the decision was Bade
         d-^ 1                            rxJ
                                                and of inis Majesty's Oovnrnment's vies
            »J—x *1*—A)       l..f.wi I ^ *M3 p-J  tb’it no good reason had bown adduced
          t/l—fjul y»«,j^ i diJul f <4 XJI
                                                for amendlri;. the decision, which Bust
                                    ju—*        therefor a be r carded ns final.

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