Page 194 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 194

584                        Records of Bahrain

                                 This Hauuiun Pktuoi.bum Company Limitico
                                                 A v; all)
                                                       It A IIII li I M JksJCXlJlliU'miSIAN (»*H.K

                        C/PA-UOl.                             So p Lembo r 1 5, 1l) 51 •

                        111 :i Britannic Majesty's Pol:Ll.Ical Agent,
                        Tho Agency,
                        MANAMA.              BAIMULH.
                        Boar Siv,

                        I am to Inform you that it has como to the attontion of
                        Tho Bahrein Petroleum Company Limited tliat tho International
                        Marino Oil Company Limited, their contractors or others on
                        thoir behalf, liavo undertaken ideological survey work in
                        areas near Bahrein that is is understood are claimod by
 i                       the Ruler of Bahrein as being within the territorial
                        boundaries of tho Sheikhdom of Bahrein and hence within
                         tho concession area of Tito Bahrein Petroleum Company
                        Thu Bahrein Petroleum Company Limited assume such work
                         is solely for tho purpose of gathering information of a
                         regional character for use in developing areas within
                         the undisputed jurisdiction of tho Sheikh of Qatar and
                         not intended and will not affect tho rights of tho
                         re spec t'ivo mil u rs •  The Bahrein Petroleum Company Limited
                         have no objection to the work being performed in accordance
                         with this under standi) iid, subject to tho agreement of Ills
                         Highness, the Bheikh ef Bahrein, and provided such work
                         does not in any manner interfere with their operations*
                         Therefore 1 would-appreciate your kindly advising whether
                         tho work undertaken is to lie performed in accordance with
  i                      the understanding indicated herein and confirm that it is
                         without prejudice to tho rights, boundaries or territorial
                         claims present and future of Ills Highness, the Bhoikh of

                                                     Yours very truly,

                                                               xt*     (
                                                     Per R.M. Brown,
                                               Chief Local HoprosontatJve?
                                          The Bahrein Potroleum Company Limited.
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