Page 191 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 191
Bahrain-Qatar seabed, 1951-1960 581
j----^ M UY lu, y-—1 was announced In 1347. 1 have also
--------feu cUJ—1*3—
inforsod the Company that in vim of
3. ■■, i. ■ ft* j
His Majesty*ri Government*s responsi
l—tTj l_*J \ ^LiX--d I 0-*i__ ____fJI , bility for the foreign relations of
|fl» «Mm'W V^~***0 * ‘ ^ ^ |J«—>* both Hahraln and Qatar the division
v—ht 1 j i »^i .1 l^LJ of the sen-bed Is a ia*tt*r In which
i. ' ,
^ 1—»U 1 j I ^ 1 the final deoialon oust rest with
y....j Jj • His Majesty1s Uovornaent. The same
JX.>.iOI p»«* ■ ^|jw» .J ^w> .». 1j principle was observed In the settle
—*1 j I o-—j* ■< ment of the dispute between the Ruler*
of Bahrain and Qatar over the owner
. *11111__ _ ship of the Mewar Islands In 1949,.
t i.O >n Af I * 0 6, As regards paragraph 8 of
U t p~-.fyf.imm.*i yLof,^ Your Highness* letter, His Majesty*s
QjlijI ^<*1 —i< Government ape not prepared to re
l___^lUrwt wl]^u cognise a cUId by Your Highness to.
i •
<*L. i. I jI q* any ares of the sees outside the ter
}j\—Iv 1—
•l> ritorial waters or the fltate of
jU~J & L-j <LTp-^i Bahraini nor indeed does the Ruler
y. ■■■■ «l) l j Uf ^<— \>l Liil kowfc In ■■■{ of Qatar oak* any claim to the seas
JL..1 11. fj * 3- 1 <—aIl|«» ^Li* outside Ms territorial enters, as
I^ U 11 jlms Ci|..^»»« L»ii has been pointed ov»t on many occasions
J J .y—* ft*.—I this discussion concerns the sea-bed
beneath tho high aces and Its dlvl-
o J V slon betwcon Bahrain and Qatar.
1 t4»—1 «1» —1 I These two States asserted the right to
uJ__.ijy*iJ,UkJL J I l exerolse Jurisdiction and control over
o—• t.. -.4, l—*L.t»J I L-u^-asU^U—• their respective areas of the sea-bed
c.L.0*__ eYIy —Jl (\—l In the proclamations referred to In
IX^a^UlliJU^UJIyJ ---- ItJI paragraph 3'of this letter, wbioh
Ik—^ -Aydllj # vkdOl were laauid by Your Highness
■r*. / And