Page 190 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 190

580                       Records of Bahrain

                 Iwf         ymj yJLi*          •r .
                                                     3.     Your Highness wrote a further
                   t)l vj—J l l 1 Jm^L* t X {f—)
                                                     letter to do on the P.3rd Way, 1040,
                 jj*O....-.tx ^ J I yJ> 4 I...J Xf
                                                     and 2 roallso that until now four
                 U.V*j *< y 1..7.XJ 1 I«LmA ^  I ^  U,  Itlghnean h«u receive! no reply to this
                    J JLm^I I tfli ? Jml I •iU J ,li ■ X>t 1 ^ ■ .X.^
                                                     letter, Wince then, however, Your
                 UwJ—JlCuj_£_i UH_.I(—ff—------
                                                     Blihnesa hna laaued a proclamation
                                 J-------- JL. JjIjVIj
                                                     •sacrtlng Jurludlotion end control
                                     >>n 3..,^. .,frVi
                                                     Over the Ben-bed end sub-soil beneath
                 <l_t—U J_*aI—ull 2__.t___
                                                      the hlgh-sea* contiguous to the ter­
                 JL    Jj • ji-jjUD l.~c.~..^X JVl
                                                      ritorial waters of your Gtate* The
 I                             1     SU+J         \
                                 f                    holer of ’.{Star has lssuod a slnllar
                       l_i jJwJ J---- J J * L~4j l___
                                                      proolanation^ It la therefore uore
                   V^-t O .J—^ J u—•              1
                                                      than ever noqe3aary that all the
                 O l-■■■*&] l V^—      g«—»[/h—J ^ I
                                                      parties concerned should observe the
                  « 1 1 lY ll. ■■.■■   } j—ill v> U t lx..-/.! |
                                                      linn laid down la 2947 os the Halt
                     ------S\               a—*JL-f
                                                      of the sea-bod over which you and the
                 I—n    **% p—t—iJ ji.i.C .
                                                      Rulor of \atur have since saaertod
                 jlJLJ • o-Lj'X  YNJ----     >—3
                                                      your control In theca proclamation*.
                  #vj j L-f,   X.—i     sy—J
                                                      This lino wait determined In accord­
                                                      ance with equitable principles after a
                   -k-—-»             J pllW.f
                                                      careful axsoilnatlen of Your Highness*
                                              ___ i\>
                                                      claims aruJ ot those of the Huler of
                            J                 I
                                                      <jstsr and la the only line recognised
                                      • 1------\'A__,JI
                                                      by lilt Itajoaty'i Oovcrnn^nt.
                          i i v—r j—r            • t
                                                      4,     Acting on Instructions frosa
  *              dJXJ) «                 __   /■
  i                                                   lUa Uajosty'a Oovornsient 1 have there­
                     o-<s-+~r*\ XwU          C^.r’|
                                                       fore tho Bahrain Petro­
                         ^sUL^JU ^L-OjL—*3*1 a--h—.c
                                                       leum Coapony that, after full consi­
                             *<—*■  ■f   **
                                                       deration of the facta stated In their
                      ■* •* uyJ V <—■...) X. -^*01 Y^>» 1-----,
                                                       letter, ilia Majesty's Government soa
                      *1 <j S......... JI   j..^„  1
                                                       no reason to altar the decision which
                      • « •  <~u
                                                                            / wos
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