Page 196 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 196

586                        Records of Bahrain

                                - Y _                              - 2 -

                                                            Many timos have Wo stated
                 Ajjlluj.ll 1) I   1—
                                                       orally and by writing to Uls
                                  V_. j : i ------.. — l } . -•
                    -r — *
                                                       Britannic Majesty's Government that
                  J-----                 h_. .aL,—. jl
                   *— -      yj I -i-----u ,  jj;^---- I ^...-1*5  Our waters reach to the Western
                   yl ^—-h- j j.—.a—»      ^            shore of Qatar - this has been the
                    jUJI d_J; 4___ .lc   ___ II £|__ ill  fact down the ages - and that the
                                                        bod upon which those waters rest
                   l—j Jj a--------> yl il_  I J y |ij'i l C.I_____
                   1 i i-^-l   I*——   yj- —•> j l —...ii  and the sub-soil of that bed are
                                                        within and form an integral part
                    ii /------ * j—*   u J-------- J   0—^ j
                                                        of Our domain and Wo make that
                        •  l:< J------- 1 j JJI al___iie'J I
                                                        statement once again with all the
                     ■A    -*4» (j I )— —I .1------------ I‘»  conviction of which We are capable.
                     j.lj------ :Jtf b,l,------ 5  )  I a—ft l—__
                       *   ' 'J I      .(   yj.................. ..1|.  Th-erefore, let this Our
                                                        statement and Our decision be accep­
  i!                     —«JI I,>---'*f yj----- >xl» S.Ua____ I ,
  :                                                     ted as binding upon all concerned.
                   ;     ■=*>  ii, JI3—; V ;___ -JJI  4 .1-------U  1
                   *   £))*——*  l— l J..< V »^«»ll           We refuse therefore to permit
                                                        this case to be treated as an issue
                     j: - ■* l«x* j— — ijJ \jJ------
                                                         that is still open - it is definitely
                                        ■sjJI I-.Vj *5)—•*.
                   cJ: J i Jj i-------- JK.JI (j. —■;
                   U 1 "*■ —*' V:*"  *   <• j .. 11--, j
                      • ■  -------*}'   * L —  j .J : 11      It is with deep concern that
                                                         We learn that an Oil Company other
                    tf,-.*JI ’i'.Jbl  U.s< a_J , ol.  4 J A
                                                         than The Bahrain Petroleum Company
  : :             rf-   j  d—V )    li          l__AS
   : I
                                    •       4___ ;t ij,..:  Limited, has entered upon Our
                                                         country and commenced to operate in
    .               ^__ ;jU..I l_
                                                         pursuit of the petroleum therein.
                                     Jj .i — .. —» ,
                           1—*•*«  J , Jjl l>, *,» l.—.<bl
                     y~-—                                This must stop and We have written
                                                • 1 v> 1
                                                         to that Oil Company the letter of
    i                                                    today's date, a copy of which We
                               JL* fU»Jl yj______ j  )
                                                         enclose for your Information.
                                  — )  4........^{>>01 J______
                                                        ,     Please refer to our letter
                                                  ~/'^~datod lst September, 1951*   U.E.

                                                              Sulrnan bin Hamad AlKhalifah.
                       4.«J>JT j.>- Cr. 0‘»i*.
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