Page 411 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 411
Legal affairs and justice, 1952-1957 801
Translation of Ordinance No, 36 of 1373
(15 July 1954)
Government of Bahrain,
No. 36/1373.
We, Salman "bin Hamad al Khalifah, Ruler of Bahrain,
order the publication of the following proclamation,
lo The Government has created the post of Legal Adviser,
whose duties v/ill be to participate in the work of the
Bahrain Courts, to advise on their organisation, and in
the application of Judicial arrangements. He shall also
advise the Government on the drafting of laws and regulations,
and similar Judicial matters. The Government Intends to
appoint for this post a practising professional English
2. The Government has decided to promulgate a general
Penal Code, to apply to all persons subject to our Jurisdiction,
which shall be in accordance with generally recognized principles
of law. It shall conform to the existing precedents in Bahrain,
and be suited to the special needB of this country while yet
safeguarding the social and religious traditions of the
people. The Government has also decided to promulgate a
procedure code for the guidance of the Bahrain Courts
in criminal and civil cases. The drafting of these two
codes y/ill be comi>leted y/ith the assistance of the Legal
3» The Government has decided to create the post of
Registrar to the Bahrain Courts, who shall take charge of
the administration of the Courts, in accordance v/ith the
Gustom prevalent in other contemporary (Judicial systems,
The Registrar}s dutieB will consist of participating in the
Y/ork of the Junior Court v/hen neceosary and assisting the