Page 408 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 408
798 Records of Bahrain
to Two Yearn Rigorous Imprisonment, and ilia main objective
seemed to bo to have the sentence modified to one of Dimple
Imprlnonment (under which tho prisoner iu neither chained
nor roquirod to work). Ho objeotod to boing kopt in chains
and complained to tho Court uhout tho food. Judge Hainos
dismissed the appeal - tho sontonoo wao of oouroo unobjectionable
on legu'l grounds - hut In expressed concern about the administra
tion of local prisons - u subject whioh is being embodied In
his now Prison Rules.
Tho Civil Appeal was again&t adjudication in
bankruptcy by two out of three members of an Indian firm
carrying on retail shops in Bahrain ^pd Kuwait# The appeal
had obviously boon drawn up by an Indian lawyer though the
uppellants wore not professionally represented at the hearing,
and it raised a very large number of points whioh had not
previously been pleaded. The main contention was that the
business belonged to a Joint Hindoo family and had got into
difficulties entirely owing to the irresponsible activities
of one of the sons who was in de faoto charge* nobody else,
according to the appellants, owed any responsibility to the
creditors. This contention was quite oontrary to what hud
been specifically admitted at the original hearing, and after
I long and patient lieuring Judge Ilaines dismissed the appeal.
There wore no Inquests during the year.
Deceased Estates
There were fifteon eotato cases. In seven cases
Letters of Administration wore granted to next-of-kin* in
five cases tho Court made orders dispensing with formul grants,
under Article i>l, us tho assets were below Its, 1500, and tho
no I t eotute was handed over to "proper” peroons. In one case
the Registrar of the Court was appointed Administrator under
Article 52 (l), as tho deceased, a Pakistani, loft no relatives
in Buliruln.
/The remaining