Page 412 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 412
802 Records oj Bahrain
Legal Adviser, the Government intends to appoint to this i
post an Arab lawyer, who shall have served as a Judge in
an Arab countryt
4. The Government has made a start in the search for a
senior officer with wide experience to take the post of
Assistant Commandant of Police, Whose special charge will be
the training and organization of the Police, It is expected
that other officers from abroad, whose appointment the
Government decided on some time ago, will shortly be selectedY
5, The Government is endeavouring to restore the Bysten}
of election for the two municipalities of Manama and Muharraq
and it has taken the necessary steps to bring it about,
6, We haye ordered the setting up <Jfl a commission to
look into the possibility of granting compensation in cases
of those killed and wound ed in the incidents arising from
the recent disturbances.
7. The Government has received the report of the
Committee of Enquiry appointed to investigate the incident
of the let Dhu al Qua’dah in Manama 1373 in Manama in front
of the Port, and the Government will ensure that the
necessary stepB are taken,