Page 417 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 417
Organisation of the labour force, 1957-58 807
British Residency,
(2181/1) BAHRAIN. '
December ^•■‘3»1937.
In compliance' with the request contained in Ur. Simijson-
Orlebur's letter KA 2183/43 or the 20tli of December, 1957, I
have to-day made the Bahrain Labour Regulation 1957 (Queen's
Regulation lio. 9 of 1957) under the urgent procedure, I
... submit the signed original for allov/unce.
2. The Bahrain Labour Regulation and the Bahrain Employed
Persons Compensation Regulation, which is about to be made,
are complementary to the Bahruin Labour Ordinance, 1957* and
the Bahruin Enployed Persons Compensation Ordinance, 1957-
Bo th Ordinances are parts of a programme of reform arid development
embarked upon by His Highness the Ruler during the past tv/o years.
They were prepared by a committee consisting of representatives
of the Government of Bahrain, of employers, and of workers, with
the assistance of my First Secretary (Labour).
5. The Labour Law Advisory Committee, which wus formed by His
Highness as u result of political agitation for reforms in
Buhruin, was given the tusk of preparing
"a code, dealing with the rules and conditions of labour
in Bahruin, to protect the workers' interests und
preserve their rights"
and which would deal as well with
"affairs relating to muximum working hours, leuvo,
minimum dully wages, sickness benefits, compensation,
arbitration, etc.".
The two Ordinances which the Committee has prepared deal with
all these subjects, with the exception of minimum daily wages.
M,P •»
The Right Honourable Selwyn Lloyd, O.B.E • t /4.
etc •» etc • * etc • i
Foreign Office,