Page 418 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 418

808                         Records oj Bahrain


                     Tho labour Ordinance, now made applicable to persons under
                Her Majesty's Jurisdiction by the Queen's Regulation enclosed
                with this despatch, attempts to regulate the relations between
                employers and employed persons by provisions concerning contracts

                of employment und the termination of employment with and without
                notice; to provide certain minimum conditions of employment
                (hours of work, annual holidays, sick leave, and the payment of
                leuving indemnities on termination of employment); to regulate
                trade unions, by laying down rules for their formation und
                requiring their registration; to provide for conciliation and
                arbitration in trade disputes; und to regulate trade disputes
                when they occur by requiring the observance of certain procedures.

                The Compensation Ordinance provides for the payment of compensation
                to employed persons for injuries suffered in the course of their
                5.    I am sending a copy of this despatch, with a copy of the
                enclosure to it, to the Political Agent in Bahrain.
                                       I have the honour to be,

                                      with the higheot respect,
                                         Your obedient Servant,

   '                                                      (B./i.B. Burrows)

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