Page 420 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 420


              810                        Records of Bahrain

                   3.   The the direction of Jabour organisation
                   seemed bo be one which would have repercussions in the
                   neighbouring oil-bearing Mr too of Kuwait and nr, and
                   with the concurrence of the Lai.rain Government I
                   therefore sought the help of Audoloy, v/no wus at
                   that time Labour Counsel'.! ox- in .‘axro and Labour Advisor
                    bo the british kiddle <-not Offioo, to advise the
                   Government on trade union cjuostions and on the dm ft in;;
                    of a labour hr.?.

                   4.    The reunite of vioito which iir. Audoloy paid to
                   Balirain v/ero that the Gomm...ttoo to study lubour (jr.eiitio.iij
                    wqr formed a;; a tripartite body representing onual l.y tiio
                    Government, employers and workers; / that the Jhiler accepted
                    the principle of trade unions being net up in halnain (he
                    had hitherto net hin faco fir.-tly a; t any ouch idea);

                    Mr. Auduloy also gave the Government a draft labour lav
                    for submission to the no comm ttoe and a .joint
                    consultative) cohirnittccs ordinance, which was intended to
                    bo u temporary, educational r.iejsuro fo. tvv. purpose of
                    encouraging bet ter omp'J oyer-employee relations in Bahrain
                    and for preparing the way for trade unionu tJiro.i; .h
                    voluntary joint consultation.    In addition, '.;r. Auclsloy* s

                    auaiotant in Cairo, Hr. 0. lAur shall, was attacliud to my
                    staff us First Mecret.iry (Labour) in order to lielp the
  : •               Lubour Advisory Co.iUiuttce prepay- . the ordinances.
                    5.   The Lubour Law Advisory Cornu.ttoo v/as formed in

                    April 1955.   The Joint Consultative Comm .ttees Ordinance
                    was enacted by the Jiulei on the 2*>th of June 1*1,ljt and the
                    draft of the Lubour Ordinance wan passed to the Bahrain
                    Governmont on October 10, 1956.
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