Page 419 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 419
Organisatioti of the labour force, 1957-58 809
Britir.h .:cniclc.acy,
Mo. 27 IMlUiAIW.
(2111:1/3) v/
: soriiBiiisii , :i0>
1, v'Y
X11 i«V/ doopntch Mo. 16$) of 'hocoKitiwp 2 , JO')7, I
ijavo n brief account of oho re..conn for the introduction
on January 1, 1950 0f tho Bahrain Labour 100 il-9ii7
and tho Bahrain JJmployed Persono ( ion Ordiji&noc
1957, both of which have been applied v.ith si 1. jht
changes to persons under Her Majesty's jurisdiction.
Because the Ordinances arc the fir at of their hind in the
i err.inn Gulf Oluiikhdoms, however and may i;h..i\.f ore be said
to mark a very definite stage in the development of social
and indur.trial welfare in the area, T. thin’.c it may no of
interest to you to have u fuller account of them than was
contained in my despatch undci rcfcren..e.
2. Both Ordinance a are the re cult of demand:, for re for..1.
and improve mo nv. in Bahrain which wore . irot published in
June, l\v4 and vh.'-cii were repeated in October, VJ5h» in
somewhat modified form by the no wly-f or mod hi;.her
jjfeeutive Committee, a political movement which sought
constitutj.onal and other reforms. In February
following nil announcement by tho Commi tteo that it
intended to form a general trade union “at once", lUs
BiglmeoG tho Ruler unnouncod that the Bahrain Government
would appoint a Gommittoe to prepare
"n code, dealing with the rules und conditions
of labour in Bahrain, to protect the workem*
intoroutu and prenorve their rights".
The Right honourable /3.
holwyn LJoyd, O.D J;., h.P.,
etc. , etc. , etc. ,
Foreign Office,
London, 1
' wW.Wffi5A.'i