Page 421 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 421
Organisation of the labour force, 1957-58 811
Tho IjHoz crisis of October a*id Lo o.i'bur IS’iiG, brou:;h1.
with it polilionj troubles inuido Bahrain \/hie i culn'.ii iutcd
in the arrest and bn.lialiment of the loaders of tin
Committee of National Union, at: tlio higher Cxooutive
Uo^iiittco liud boon I’c-namod, and tin* break-up of tlx;
movement. Tin: liulor deferred consideration of tlu; draft
Labour Law and it war; not. until January 1957, that lie
t)e«an to it.
7. luiiiy of tho. .actions concerned with th«. trade union
parts of the draf t Labour Law and with the ri; hi. of
v/orkoru to ?;o on strike wore queried by the killer. .Jovornl
sections were deleted, and parts of the draft underwent
considerable alir.ny.o, iuid At tarn jiot until Hovomber 12,
1$)57» that the Ruler declared thw draft to be satisfactory.
Dy that time the Lubour Lav; vJomv.iittoo had completed its
consideration of the draft of a Compensation Ordinance,
which hud been prepared by Mr. Marshall, and the Ordinance
had been si nod by the Ruler.
n. The Labour Ordinance applies to the majority of
workpeople in Bahrain, Minimum conditions and benefits
which it* provides for are: -
(a) the ,;iviny of notice ii* anyone i.: to be
discharged from his work or wishes to
leave his work (unless dismissal i;i
because of liusconduct or ijuiubordinution);
(b) tlie payment of a leaving iudoty/.iity on
termination of employiV.ent (except on
ground:; of misconduct or similar /.rounds)
after one year's continuous service with
the samo employer and on re si/-nation after
five years' service;