Page 426 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 426

816                        Records of Bahrain

                independent chairman chosen by them jointly or, ii tney cannot
                uifi'ue on the choice ox* eh.irman, a chairman chosen ly the Commissioner

                 of hi hour.  A cliuinnun chosen by the Commiauioner must be u judge
                 in the Courts.
                      The Compensation Lav/ v/ill apply to rather more- people than the
                 Lubour Low und will replace the workmen's Compensation Act of India,
                 which, although huving no legal force in Bahrain, has often be-, n
                 used as u gui. e to help determine- until, compensation should be paid
                 to poisons injured at work,   The Law js similar to the Indian Law

                 in that it provides lor payment 01 compensation for ilcath and
                 disablement through injury or occupational disease, but it lays
                 down rates or compensation that, are* higher than those payable* under
                 the Indian Law - because of the- higher rates of wages paid in
                 Bahrain - anti it says that compensation shall be payable irom the
                 first day of absence from work because* ol' injury instead of after a

                 waiting period.   The amounts of compensation puyable for injury mui
                 aeath are related to earnings by means of a schedule which plates
                 "'age-earners and the amounts of compensation payable to them in fouv
                 •lb.  both Oi dinances will be administered by the employment Office 1
                 which Mr. mcrehall helped to set up in 1 and which has now
                 expanded to become the J./apartment of labour under a Bahraini
                 Commissioner of Labour.
                 17.  Fur this part ox the world both Ordinances are advanced, and
                  the complexities oi the Labour Ordinance in particular may be

                  expccti.o to be beyonc the present understanding of most workers,
                 ana of some employers, even though many of its provisions were
                  inc.luaoct at the roguest ol' the workers1 representatives on the
                 Labour Law Committee. At the suggestion of the Committee a
                 publicity campaign was undertaken by the Bahrain Government to

                 precede the Introduction of the Laws, but  a good deal more remains
                  to be done not only as regards publicity but in developing more
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