Page 431 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 431

Organisation of the labour force, 1957-58      821

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             Bahrain wo must apply our pressure at the top and not indulge
             in activities which cannot by their nature achieve reform,
             but will only bo regarded as oncouraging subversion,     Such
             measures as the reform of the Courts, the reform of the
             Administration Council and the undertaking of an economic
             Burvey and action on its conclusions must, in my view, be
             regarded as of greater importance than the implementation
             of the Labour Ordinances;   and wo should concentrate our
             effort on these first' things.   I would only add that I am
             rather surprised that Dennys did not draw these conclusions
             for himself.

             4o   In those circum6tancoo I ’consider that Dcnnys'-s
             continued secondment to the Bahrain Government will, apart from
             the risk of adding to the resentment he has already created,
             servo little useful purpose.    As I understand from Archer
             that his secondment represents a real sacrifice on the part
  r          of the Ministry of Labour, who are very short of Inspectors,                    |
             this would seem a further reason for not prolonging hi6
             secondment here. As I said in my telegram No.479 of July 16
             I therefore recommend that no approach should be made to \
             the Bahrain Government and that Dennys should be withdrawn •
             now that his six months aro up.                          'll*'/“Tim

             5.   Archer has seen this letter in draft and agrees generally
             with my conclusions.
             o. I enclose two extra copies of this letter and am sending
             copies to Lyall at the Agency here and to Archer at Beirut.
                                       H             I




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