Page 429 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 429

Organisation of the labour force, 1957-58       819

                                        CO N PI jlLHT IA L
          capub ill tigs in a sphere more beneficial to themselves and. load
          dangerous to the State than would bo tlio caso in a political assembly.
          20.  You have already in your doe pa tch Ho, 23 (DA 21S1//|) of thp 7th
          of February expressed appreciation of the v/orlc of Kir* fciarshall in
          helping to briny this legislation to fruition,     I would like in

          closing this longer record of the history of those lav/s to
          reiterate my own expression of the indispensable part which lie lias
          played in this matter and of the remarkable position which he has
          achieved for himself among all the Buhruini interests concerned,
          His work has played no small part in bringing about und maintaining
          the comparatively quiet labour conditions which Bahrain now enjoys.
          21 .  I am sending copies of this despatch to Her Majesty's
          Representatives at Baghdad, Tehran, Beirut (with a copy for the
          Development Division), Amman and Washington, to the* Governor of
          Aden, the Political Officer with the Midcile best Forces, the
          Overseas Department of the Ministry of Labour, and to the Political*
          Agents at Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Dubai,
                                I have the honour to be,

                                With the highest respect,
                                  Your obedient Servant,


                                              (B.A.B. Burrows)                             I


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