Page 425 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 425

Organisation of the labour Jorce, 1957-58       815

           several small ones, in the husbanding of l'undu in one account, and
           in the economies of central organization and administration,      isy
           adopting the policy oi dividing traue unions in order to rule them,
            the Huler may have postponed the formation of *.ny large-scale*
           union, but the demand for a general union may bo hoard again.
            13.  To encourage the uiroct settlement oi' trade disputes by
            employers and workers or their unions the Labour Law adopts the

            principle of voluntary arbitration, but attempts to introduce a
            measure of discipline into labour relations by declaring strikes
            and lock-outs to be illegal unless certain proceuuros for the
            settlement of disputes have been followed,    Limited compulsory
            conciliation (•'limited1* in the sense that it applies to most but
            not ull kinds of dispute) is a further measure intended to avoid
            strikes and lock-outs.    Under it parties to a dispute ore required
            to attend a board ana to assist the board in ius consideration of
            the dispute;   this contrasts with arbitration, in which decisions
            or awards oi arbitration boards will be binding on parties to
            disputes only when they have agreed beforehand to accept the
            decisions or awards.    If, in spite of the efforts of the Labour

            Lav/ Committee to uvoid strikes and look -outs through the procedures
            of the Lubour Law, there is a stoppage of work, the Law at tempas
            to ensure, by means of protective provisions and provisions ior
            peaceful picketing, that no harm shall come to workers or employers
            at the lianas of the State, provided that the stoppage of work is not
            illegal, and that there is no intimidation or annoyance either of

            people who wish to work or oi people who do not wish to work*
            Illegal stoppages are strikes or lock-outs which occur without the
            procedures of the law having been obsorved/ufter the parties to a
            dispute have agreed to accept the decision of an arbitration board
            as a moans of settling the dispute.
            1*1.  Arbitration bourds will consist of not more than five- people:
            one or  two arbitrators chosen by each party to the dispute and an
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