Page 427 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 427
Organisation of the labour force, 1957-58 817
I\illy the machinery l'or operating mid enforcing tho Lows. Al though
there arc signs that employers arc complying with tho la wo and that
workpeople uro becoming aware of their ri. hts under them, more
publicity and explanation would Vie useful bolore tho Government
takes any determined steps to enforce them, The Commissioner is
considering with Marshall means of "putting the lav/s across*' to
the general public anci the steps to be taken to ensure compliance
with the laws.
18. In other parts of tho Gulf interest in the Ordinance lias been |
shown in Kuwait and in the Truciul States. In Kuwait an J-gyptian
adviser to the Jjepartmont of Gociul Aflnirs has prepared a draft
r Lubour Law which contains provisions concerning workmen's compensa
tion, and in the crucial btutes trie killers of tho seven 'Crucial
Shaildidoms have recently agreed that a workmen's compensation law
should be drafted for their consideration. Neither the Mi wait
Labour Law nor the Trucial States Compensation Law can be regarded
as having resulted from the Buhrain Ordinances, but both may "bo
uffee ted oy them. The Lgyptian ad-iser to the Lcpartmont of Social
Affairs in Kuwait, who had seen Mr. Audsley's draft of the Bahrain
Lubour Law, lias produced a draft which, in general principles, is
similar to the Bahrain Labour Law,- but which omits any details
about the formation and registration of trade unions and says merely
that freedom of association of employers und workers shall bo
protec ted. On the other hand, as he told Mr. Marshall recently,
the Committed which will study his draft may be afioctod by tho
Bahrain Ordinances and may wish to change* it. In preparing a draft !
Compensation Law for tho Trucial Btates, Mr. Marshall has used the
.Buhrain Ordinance as the basis of his work. from ijiitar, so far,
there have been no reports of interest in tho Bahrain Ordinances,
but as there has been mention from time to time of the possibility
of introducing some kind of labour law it may be tlia t tho Bahrain
Ordinances will oventuully liavc some effect on thinking there*
/19. !