Page 422 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 422

812                        Records of Bahrain

                          (c)   that tho normal working cloy ahull not bo

                               more  than eight hours, oxcludin. • i..oal
                               breaks and rest periods, und the
                               normal working v.»oo)c not more than 4. hourn
                                (during the footing month of Hnmadhan these
                               poriodu aro to be nix bourn and 36 bourn
                          (d)  tho payment of overtime at not loon than

                               timo and u quarter for more than oi hi
                               hourn work on any day (nix hoa?. n during
                               lUimudhan) and for \/oi k on holidays or
                               root dayn;
                           (e)  a paid weekly rent day for everyone;

                           (f)  paid a nual holidays after one year of
                                continuous service with the same employer-
                           (g)  bine public holidays a year;
                           (h)  bereavement leave for the death of a

                                  clone relative:
                           (i)  aick leave with pay after one year1a
                                continuous service with the name employer ; .d
                           (0) mate: nity leave when a woman worker io
                                hr.vine a buby.
                     Luntly, an far au benefit c and condition’; of service are

                      concerned, the Law sayo that no  one in employment at the
                     date of the introduction of tho Ordinance oha.L.1. suffo«
                     reduction in any of the standards and conditions of
                     employment under which he was employed by tiv; same employe
                     immediately before the  coming into force of the Ordinance,

                        addition to '‘financial belief!'to" the Law provides, with
                     cortain exceptions, for written cgP^tracts to be given to
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