Page 405 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 405

Legal affairs and justice, 1952-1957           795

           document made out in the fulso name and nationality.
           He also procured a "sponsorship" from another prominent

          Pakistani, who certified that the man was known to him and
           that the particulars werq corrects The object of theso
           proceedings aooms to hsvs boon to get employment as a
           watchman with the Oil Company, who do not normally employ
           Pakistanis oxoopt through official channels and certainly
           not without documents, yrhorofto the position la easier if tho

           applicant pan describe himself as a Muscat!,
                  Both the man uijd hift "sponsor” were charged under
           section 102 of the Indian Penal Code, it being held that
           the Passport Officer was a "publiq Servant"* Both men were
           heavily fined, the "sponsor" Rs,5QQ and man Rs.200?

           Appeals from the Registrar heard by thp jTudgp of U, ft. Court
                  There wore two puoh appeals, one criminal and one civil.
                  In the criminal oase, the aooused (an Indian) was
           second mate on a merchant ship, and whilst the ship was in
           Bahrain he invaded the cabin of his first offioer (an

           Englishman) late at night whilBt under the influence of
           drink, and gave him a severe "beating-up". He was sentenced
           to Tlireo Months Rigorous Imprisonment, On appeal against
           the sentence the Judge reduced it to Two Months,
                   In the civil case, the Registrar had awarded a sum of

           money for maintenance of a minor child,     On appeul the Judge
           reduced tho award from Rs,65 a month to Hs,50,

           Tho Joint Court   (The Registrar and 8haikh Mubarak)
                  There were 81 civil oases, against 98 in 1953•
                   The Court has functioned harmoniously throughout the

           year.   Only ono case resulted in an appeal to the Joint
           Appeal Court (the Political Agent and the Ruler),  This was
           a curious case in whioh an old Jowish (Ira<ii) woman living
                                                           /in Rafaa
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