Page 402 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 402

792                       Records of Bahrain
                                         r 4 "

                 abuse of tho Court, and Its real foundation io tho love of
                 litigation notorious amongst Ipw-Oaato Indiana, Unfortunatoly
                  it io not possible for* tho ClQur$ to donounoe tho wuete of time
                  in hearing uuoh proceedings without first hearing them.
                         The Third Pa?ty Ihay^anc* Regulation which oamo into

                  operation in 1994 hagnet 99 far produced any court cases for
                  personal injuries, TJjptfo pipy hpye been Battlements out of
                  oourt, hut insofar *9 the insurance companies base their
                  premiums on a oompwjBpn ylth Knglieh qourt-awards, it can

                  have no busio whatpoyytr, In England, court awards for
                  injuries are notprlou^ly high, as are tho ooeta which go
                  with them, but so far as thifi Qoupt is oonoernod the companies

                  have not had to pay out a single rupee. It io thought that
                   the Accident Offiooe Association might fairly be asked to
                   comment on their experience of the working of this Regulation
                   during 1954 oince they wore deoidoly oriticul of it whon it
                   first oume out. It is sometimes pointed out that tho cost of
                   our-repuirs io very high in Bahrain, but this, of course,

                   has nothing whatever to do with Third Party Compulsory
                   Insurunoe, which is only concerned with personal injuries.
                   The Majlis et-TuJara, No cases gave rise to questions
                   requiring reference to the Majlis under Article 46 of the

                   Order. Past experience has tended to show that the Mujlis
                   invariably assumes that it is asked to deoide a particular
                   case and not a specific question, (This io still tho position
                   in the case of the Bahrain Courts), The result is great delay
                   and often disagreement amongst the Majlis, They are an unpaid

                   body of merchants, and it is .'possible that their composition
                   may be quite different whon they come to give their decision
                   from what it wae when they were’ first invoked.
                   The 9heraf Oourt. One case arose in which the Sherd Oourt

                   was qoked to give an opinion on Islamic law under Article 46,
                   A Pakistani whose wife had died in ohildbirth handed over tho
                   baby (a girl) to a neighbour, a Pakistani tailor, with whom
                                                                          /he was
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