Page 404 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 404


                  794                       Records of Bahrain
                                          - 6

                  though no doubt most of the offohflwrp are drivers of
                  hired transport vrho arc outside the jurisdiction of the
                  Court,   A new oodo ia bping prepared by the Bahrain Government's
                  Judicial Advisor,
                          In the shoplwftf<ig'oaoo an Iraqi had rooently urrived
                                           • • •
                   in Bahrain, and almQat immediately wont into business with
                   a  gang of local burglars* They "broke into a shop and removed
                   an iron safe, whioh thoy topk out into the deeert and "buret
                   open.  Next day the entire party attempted to leave for Qatar

                   in a launch but were prevented "by the Passport Department -
                   not because of any BUBpioion of their activities but because
                   they had no travel documents, The Iraqi was tried in u Court
                      Session, after the other men had already been sentenced

                   by the Bahrain Court to yarying terns of imprioonment of four
                   years downwards. At first the man said ho knew nothing
                   whatever about the oase, but later he ohanged his plea to
                   one of Guilty, He was sentenced to Two Years Rigorous
                   Imprisonment which he is now serving on Jidda Island,

                           A European Bnployee of BAPCO was charged with Causing
                   Grievous Hurt, Dangerous Driving and "Drunk in chargo" ,
                  . He had spent a convivial evening with friends in the
                   R,A.F, Sergeants1 Mess, and afterwards drove baok in what was
                    obviously u reckless manner, getting hopelessly lost in the

                    backstroetB of Muharraq, An elderly man was run over, having
                    both legs broken, and the our did not stop. The accused denied
                    all knowledge of this accident but the Court convicted him.
                    He did not appeal, and served Throe Months Imprisonment in the
                    Police Port, The injured man filed a civil suit and was able
                    to collect what money stood to the man's credit in BAPCO -

                    about Rs,2,500, The aaoldent occurred before the advent of
                    compulsory insurance,
                           A case of some public importance was one in which u

                    Pakistani, masquerading as a Muscatl with a different numo,
                    appliod to the Passport Officer at the Agency for a travel
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