Page 401 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 401
Legal affairs and justice, 1952-1957 791
already rained route In anticipation of thie legislation,
which in any casa hao not boon applied to II,M. Jurisdiction,
Of the lose important caeca, there woro a number of
complainto agalnot Pakistani repairers, either of motor curs
or wireleoo sets. Either the repairer hud kept the goods an
inordlnato length of tlmp without <^oing any repairs at all,
or ho had charged an exorbitant or liad done very un
satisfactory repairs, Thppo pppjpla pperaed to be vory
irreoponsible, In one caao twp.yireleos sets were admittedly
kept in a repair-shop for.more than a year, during which time
one set wub left lying ptn a chair, The indignant owner
ovontuully removed the oetp, on which no wortytf had been done
except to remove the bapks and disarrange the component parts,
Tlio repairer wao ordered to pay Rs, 150 compensation.
There were also fci&ima againot all three of the local
Lebunese/8yrian dontiets practising in Manama, In each case
the putient had ordered a set of donturcs for which lie paid,
and than complained that they did not fit, and wanted his
money back, Thie kind of aase is extremely difficult to try
without the benefit of expert evidence - none of the other
dentists were willing to tootify for or against colleagues.
On the one hand the dentists did not seem ovorskillod at this
kind of world on the other, the pationts appeured very
unco-opcrative, ready to ”throw their liund in” if the dentures
failed to please at thp first trial, and unwilling to allow
the dentist a reasonable change to make adjustments.
Fortunutely it was possible in eyery case, with much
patience, to arrange an amicable settlement.
Tho moat troublesome type pf osee of all is also the
moot trivial, An Indian washerman ques another for Rs,1,000 • »
made up of numerous small items going bqclc a long time, The
defendant immediately files a Defence containing an equal
number of counter-itemo adding up to approximately the same
amount. This sort of case is really a waste of time and an