Page 396 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 396
786 Records of Bahrain
U) ponnl Code
Work on tho draft io to bo continued no n matter of
urgency* It lo hoped thut a oomploto proof of tho Penal Code
will \>o produced by tho end of Octobor, Thio will then bo
examined by tho Legal Advisors (Mr. Kvuns).
(U) Orlininal Pronofluro Code
Judgo Haines will tuko tlio draft which lie hno boon
preparing to Buhrain with him on hlo forthcoming visit and will
ondouvour to oomploto it there.
(iii) Civil Propodviro Code
Tho drafting of thio will bo put in hand by Judge Hninoa
as soon as tho druJt of tho Criminal Procedure Code io oonjploted*
<lv) Company Law (Bahrain)
Tho druft prepared by Mr. ]Jullnntyne for tho Bahrain
Government hoc boon examined by Uir Harry Trusted, who has, after
conaultation with tho Foroign Offioc, now made certain
rocoumendntions about tho form which Company Logielation should
tako. These roconauondntiona uro ut pronont under conoidorntion
(V) Patents Poul/rns and Trndo Murks Ordinance (Bahrain).
A final draft has boon prepared and trnnalotod into
Arabia. A short explanatory memorandum to make tho law more
ouolly digestible by tho Bahrain Government, io now being drawn
up by Mr. llowas. As soon uo tide is ready tho draft will be
aont to the Residency, An accompanying letter giving our views
on tho jurisdictional problems involvod, v/hioh will have to be
dioouBood with tho Bahrain Government, has ulready boon druftod.
(vl) Workmen's Compensation Ordinance (Bahrain rind Kuwait)
A draft has been prepared and tho Logul Advisers
(Mr. lSvuns) liave examined it. Mr, Ilowco io at prosont revising
it in order to incorporate some suggested amendments and with a
view to shortening and simplifying it as muoh as possible, Tho
draft will then need to bo trunoluted into Arabic.
(vii) Third Party. Motor Insurance Qrdlmmoo (Bahrain)
The final approved draft hue now been translated into
Arabic and sent to tho Uosldoncy, Du brain, for presentation to
the Bahrain Government who will be told thut if they enaot it
in thut form it will bo applied by Queen's Regulation to persons
oubjeot to llor Majesty's jurisdiction*
(vili) Bahrain Dangerous Brims Lerrlulatlon
The Bahrain Government have recently issued an Z9lan in
the form which we had originally approved* Certain amendments
hud however in tho meantime been suggested by Residency, Buhrain,
and the Home Office are examining tho technical cjueotionB
Involved in them. It will bo docided, in tho light of tho