Page 395 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 395

Legal affairs and justice, 1952-1957           785

           Courts ho maintains that the syatom of law adopted in that
            court should ho the Indian one.    I agree that the Joint
           Courts should he encouraged to follow an orderly procedure
            based on that in Her Majesty's Courts in Bahrain, particularly

            ao the Ruler's courts do not appear to have any very satisfactory
           procedural rules of thoir own. In respoct of substantive
            law however, I fool that, as the Joint Courts ore established
            both by the Ruler and by ourselves it is not strictly correct}
            to hold that the law to bo applied in thooo Courts is that

           made applicable by the Order in Council, In the absence of
            a comprehensive common system of law applicable both to persons
            under the Ruler*b jurisdiction and to those subjoct to the
           Order in Council, the Joint Courts can only rely on such Haws
            aG are common to both and on "justice, equity and good

            conscience", though, whore appropriate, they should be encourged
            to bo guided by the law applicable under the Order,

                            I am, with great truth and reopoct.

                            Your Excellency's obedient Servant,
                              (For the Secretary of State)
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