Page 391 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 391


                               Legal affairs and justice, 1952-1957          781


                   8.   To sum up my observations:-
                        We have made some substantial progress in
                   setting our own house in order, and would make
                   more if we could get on with the production of
                   our new Codes.

                        The Joint Courts and the Bahrain Courts have
                   been largely withdrawn from our influence, but
                   there is now, since the Registrar's appointment,
                   a hope of influencing the former.
                        The Bahrain Courts cannot be appreciably

                   influenced until we get a Judicial Adviser
                   appointed and we cannot get much further with
                   this until we get our Persian Gulf Penal Code.

                                I have the honour to be
                                   Your Excellency's obedient Servant >
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