Page 393 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 393

Legal affairs and justice, 1952-1957          783

            io hoped that with hio assistance reliable Arabic toxto of
            drafto to bo submitted to tho Rulers concornod can now bo
           moro easily and quickly produced.
            5.   Draft Queen’s Regulations submitted by you aro examined
            here as quickly os possible but where they require detailed

            amondmont, or concorn technical matters necessitating
            consultation with other Government Departments, some delays
            aro of course inevitable. Delay between the issue of
            legislation by the Ruler and its application by Queen’s

            Regulation to persons subject to Her Majesty’s jurisdiction
            can only bo reduced to a minimum if, firstly, the Ruler
            submits his draft legislation for approval boforo enacting
            it, and oecondly, if the Quoenb Regulation applying it or
            containing parallel provisions is drafted and submitted to

            the Foreign Office concurrently with the Ruler’s low. Ttje
            time log could bo further reduced if it could bo arranged
            that the Ruler *o low and our own Queens Regulation .would, bo
            isouod together on or about a date previously agrood.

            6.   In the particular cuso of the Bahrain transfer of
            Immovable Proporty Regulation to which Your Excellency’s
            despatch No. 96 rofers, I note that tho Ruler’s l'^w was
                                                            / •: ,
            onactad on the 20th of July and that the Draft Queen’s
            Regulation was not submitted until the 15th of September.

            A revised draft of tho Queen’s Regulation has since been
            prepared here and sent to you for your approval* •
            7.   As Mr. Wall indicatoo in the interesting report on the
            administration of justice in Bahrain forwarded under cover of

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