Page 398 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 398

 Si TV
                  788                        Records oj Bahrain

                  to oonoider whether tho Regulations could ho troutod separately
                  from the Agreomont, in order that they might he onootod more
                  (xvill) Qatar Air Navigation Romilntlons
                           A revised droft woo sent to tho Kooidoncy, Bahrain, on
                  Beptemhor 25 for presentation to tho Iluler.
 I'M               Uix)    Prison Rules

                           Judge Haines io at prooont preparing draft Prieon Ruloo
                  governing the treatment of prisoners under Her Kajooty'e
                   (xx)    Trueial Ota toe national It-.v Law

                           A draft submitted by tho Rooidency, Bahrain lo at
                  present being considered in the Foreign Office.


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