Page 397 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 397

Legal affairs and justice, 1952-1957           787

          Homo Office o rooommendatlono, whether the Bahrain Government
          should be aeked to omond the I’lan before it io applied by
          Queen o Regulation to peroono subject to tho order.
          (ix)   Tr£Jlflffir..-Qi,. IpiTioyablo Property /lognlntiog (Bahrain)

                 A roviood draft of tho Queen1 o Regulation lino boon eont
          to tho Reoidenay Bahrain on                   for tholi* approval.
          M Uiftn Bold Port Roman t ions (Qatar)

                 Completed and approved draft \yuo oont to tho Residency
          Bahrain on June 17 for tranolution and Bubinioeion to the Qutar
         Government. A draft Queen1 o Regulation njjplying tlie Regulations
          to poraono subjeot to Her Majesty*o Jurisdiction woo forwarded
          at the oarno time.
         ..(xi)  flltru Popt ftemilatlono (Bahrain)
                 A rovlsed draft woo oont to tho Residency Bahrain on
         October 15 for dloouoeion with tho Bahrain Petroleum Oompany.
          (xii) Traffic Ordinances (Kuwait and Qatar)

                 Tho draft legislation uubrnittod by tho Kooldcncy, Bahrain,
         has boon examined and amended ho re, and rovleod drufto have
         been prepared and trnnolated into Arabic,      Those are now
         undergoing finul revision by Judge Huinoo and Mr. Hizazi in
         the light of oommente reooivod from tho Ministry of Tranoport
         and ehould be roudy vexy shortly.
         (xlii) Traffic Opfllnnnoe (Trueini Coast)

                 Tho Political Agent Truoinl Stutoo lino boon furniahed
         with a draft prepared by Judge Haines and hio comments upon it
         ore awaited. When thoae are rocolved roviood toxto in Knglioh
         und Arabic baaed on tlio Kuwait and Qotar drafto will bo
         completed in the,. Poreign Office.
         (xiv) Pnaonor^ (Amendment) K'omilntion (Kuwait Bahrain und Qatar)

                Mr. JjJvano io now engaged upon re-drafting this Queen’s
         (xv)   Muscat Order in Council
                A revised Order in Council for Muscat similar to tho
         Orders recently rondo for tho other otntoo io being prepared and
         a draft is now with the printer. This will be taken by Judge
         Haines to Bahrain for discussion in Hovorabor.

         (xvi) Muscat Hqnealing and Amending Romilntion
                Judge Haines will go into tho queotion of what logialatlon
         requiring repeal is still in forco during hio forthcoming visit
         to Musout.
         (xvli) Bahrain Air May ign ft MR florintiofl-fl
                A revised draft of tho Regulutiono wuo oont to the
         Residency Bahrain at tho sumo time no                 ,***  . .n*
         Agreement. The Hosidonoy woro subsequently uolced (August 1G)
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