Page 399 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 399
Legal affairs and justice, 1952-1957 789
UWi'OlW UN THli} WOWCijWp. OP!.:jTHlC BAHRAIN1 OKDY.ll, 1952
DUJ^WTQ , Tins YEAK 1954
'■ '&£*• V. ,
An unulyoiu ol’ all oases ’ M|l l[*YW In the Appendix,
Ifer Majesty's Court for'Bahrain
Civil Jurindiotlon
Tho number of cuues wae 119, against 2£3 in 1955,
Tlio year 1954 woo the first full year in which the Persians
were outside tlio .Jurisdiction of the Court compared with
1953 when they remained under its Jurisdiction for the
first eight months.
The moot importunt litigation of the year was in
bankruptcy. Three Indian firms in Manama fuiled for large,
umounts, and tlio proprietors wore in each caoo adjudicated
bankrupt* In one case there.wuo an Appeal (later noted)
which wuo dismissed. In u second case the Debtor managed
to "carry" u composition with the statutory majority of
his credituro, and the bankruptcy wao accordingly superseded:
it remains to bo soon if the Debtor can implement his
commitment, and if not Ids Guarantors will of course bo
called upon, In the third case there wuo no apueul und
no composition, but tho Dobtor was hopelessly Insolvent,
und so far only one anna in the rupee huo been puid. An
English Chartered Accountant v/uc appointed to be Deceiver
In theoo cases, and ho spent ubout four monthu in Bahrain,
later returning to IJ.K, At tlic close of the year it wue
contemplated mulcing a replacement.
The main problem raioed by theoo lnoolvoncleo is
the administrative oneof finding a qualified pei'son to
remain in Bahrain and wind up tho estates, There is an
immense amount of pupor-worki every creditor (of whom