Page 394 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 394
784 Records of Bahrain
your doopatch No. 92, recent progress In improving tho
Judicial system hao “boon more notablo in the Britioh ophero
of Jurisdiction than in that of tho Ruler* I was glad
nevortholeDO to oco that Mr. Mawdoloy hod ouccooded in
I reforming tho procedure in tho British Courts in Bahrain.
To perform like service for tho Ruler'a Court and to help
him in tho drafting of hio legislation and in other logoi and
judicial matters the early appointment of a Legal Adviser
is obviously necessary. I noto that the Ruler might be morp
ready to' make ouch an appoiAtmont when tho new Penal Code is
submitted to him. Although the draft of this will bo made
ready as soon as possible, 'i‘t would be better If the Ruler
could be persuaded to agreed to make the appointment at once,
without waiting for tho Penal Code, particularly as a
suitable Legal Adviser could greatly assist him at this
otage in considering the relatively complicated legislation
which will from now onwards bo presented to him concerning
such matters ao Trade Marks, Workmen's Compensation and tho
Registration of Companies. With the appointment of a
; reliable and suitably qualified judicial advisor it could
also be hoped that the Ruler would cease to lean upon tho
. services of Mr. Ballantyne junior, which have at times been
o. The recommendations contained in Mr. Mawdoloy1o valuable
report on the working of Her Majesty's court for Bahrain,
annexed to your Despatch No. 92, have been noted by those
concerned in the drafting of tho Penal Code. I see that in
the section of Mr. Mawdsley's report dealing with the Joint