Page 392 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 392

782                        Records oj Bahrain

          (Ea 1640/0)                             FOREIGN OFFICE, 3.VY. 1.
          CONFIDENTIAL                              October 23, 1953.

                                                                               \ •d^
               Sir,                                         nS a*
                     I havo to rofor to your despatches Noo. 92 and 96 of

                the 22nd of September and the let of October roopcotivoly,
                about Judicial and legislative arrangements in Bahrain,
                2.   I agree that in our efforts to iinprovo the Judicial
                Bystem in the Ruler*0 Doctor of Jurisdiction it has becomo
                important firstly to hasten the drafting of various piocoo of

                legislation now outstanding, particularly tho Penal and
                Criminal Procedure Codes, and secondly to enouro that thore
                iB a minimum of delay inocamining draft legislation submitted
                by the Ruler and in applying it when enacted to persons subject
                to Her Majesty*0 Jurisdiction,

                3.   The cnclosod schedule shows tho progreso mado with all
                the outstanding pieces of draft legislation for the Persian
                Gulf States. The large anount of detailed drafting required
                and the limited time which Judge Haines has been afforded by
                his other dutieo to devoto to it have undeniably caused much

                delay in tho drafting of Penal Code. All possible efforts are
                bolng made however to complete this draft cu?d that of the
                Criminal Procedure Code quickly. Those concerned with the
                preparation of thooo drafts havo been told that it is now a
                matter of urgency.
                h.   The Foreign Office havo recently engaged the services of
                a Palestinian lawyer, Mr, Higazi, to translate into Arabic and
                to assiot in drafting legislation for tho Persian Gulf, It

                                                                    /is hoped

           His Excellency
                                                                           i_ •
                Mr. Bernard Burrows, C.M.G  • %                               )
                      oto  • 9  etc,, oto.,
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