Page 60 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 60
450 Records of Bahrain
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(«) Cruiaors 3 seaman plul«onn and platoon HQa
\ Royal Marino platoon and platoon 1IQ.
(>•) Frigates \ aenman platoon and platoon 1IQ
1 Royal Marine platoon (reduced strength)
HM ships will be sailed For BAHRAIN by CASPG, a3 necessary, in the
light of possible disturbances olscwhcro in the PERSIAN CULP and
tho rcquircinonts of the MCC (PC).
(*0 Ariry
■°KRSTAN GULP infantry battalion. If this battalion i3 away
from BAI PI AIN on operations, an infantry battalion from ADEN will
bo Flown in.
(5) Royal A1r Puree Security of RAP Station MUHARRAQ only.
(n) Offers by the Senior US Naval Officer to aaaiat in the pro
tection of US citizens will be considered by the MCC (PC).
(b) Helicopters from the US Air Force bo3C DHAHRAN may be avail
able for the evacuation of casualties and families.
BRITISH troops, when directed by the MCC (PG), mil restore luw and order in
a. General Outline
(O The Internal Security Scheme will be implemented in three phases
(if the situation allows)
(a) Phaae \ Precautionary Phase, where MCC (PC) consider distur
bances are iiiurdncnt, or likely.
(b) Phase 2 Alert Phaae. Disturbances,which may got out of the
control of the State Police, have started.
(c) Phaae 3 Action Phase. The situation has got out of the con
trol of tlic local authorities and BRITISH military
intervention is required.
(2) The detailed execution of the plan will devolve on the PERSIAN GULP
infantry battalion, assisted by any other troops placed under
command by CLFPG.
b. Precautionary Phase
(0 MCC (PG) meet to consider situation.
M (2) Political Agent BAHRAIN warns leading business concerns and advises
families of BRITISH, COMMON’VKALTII, AMERICAN and other friendly
national a to remain indoors during tho probable time of tho diatur-
c. Alert Phase
(1 ) PERSIA?! GULP infantry battalion alerted and its notice to deploy
reduced to ono hour.