Page 76 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 76

466                       Records of Bahrain

                                                                          I 7 JAM 66
                                           PERSIAN CLAIM TO BAHRAIN                  /
                                 On August 20 the British Embassy at Tehran received
                          a note from the l’orolan Ministry of Foreign Affoiro doted
                          August l\ stating that us Bahrain io part of Persia, foreign
                          uiroruft cannot land there and that transport of freight
                          und passengers hy foreign aircraft from Bahrain to other
                          parts of Persia io prohibited, while Iranian permission
                          is required for their transport from Bahrain to other
                          destinations. The text of this Note io contained in the
                          Annex to this Memorandum.
                           2.    As a result of instructions from the Foreign Office,
                           Her Majesty's Ambassador caw the Persian Foreign Minister
                           on August 21 and said that, unless Monsieur Entezam would
                           himself v/ithdruv; the note, he would have to refuse to accept
                           it. Sir Roger Stevens left Monsieur Entezam in no doubt
                           regarding Her Majesty's Government's entire unwillingness
                           to discuss the status of Bahrain und expressed Mr. Eden* 3
                           disappointment that the matter should have been brought
                           forward at u time when relations between the United Kingdom
                           und Persia had taken so marked a turn for the better.
                           Monsieur Elitezam said he had no knowledge whatever of the
                           despatch of the note in question and asked for time to
  I                        invcstigutc.
                           3.     Sir Roger Stevens saw Monsieur Entezam later in the
                           same day when Mr. Henderson, the United States Ambassador,
                           was also present. It then transpired that the note had
                           been sent to all diplomatic missions in Tehran. Though
                           this hud been done without his authority, Monsieur Entezam
                           felt that it was, in tho circumstances, ijoliticully impossible
                            for him to withdraw a communication which had already received
                            so wide a distribution. He eventually agreed, however, to
                            uccepl back the copies which had been delivered to the British
                            and United Stutcs Embassies, but only on the understanding
                            that the fuct of our non-aeccptanoe of the note would not
                            be publicised.
                            4.     Sir Roger Elevens, on instructions subsequentJy
                            informed tho Minister of Foreign Affairs that if the incident
                            were given any publicity Her Majesty's Government would be
                            obliged to state that the note had been i*eturned.
                            3.     It was reported in the Jorduniun press on Gepteiiibcr
                            20 that the Jordan Ministry of Foreign Affairs hud received
                            a memorandum from the Iranian Governmonb requiring that
                            Jordun aircruft wishing to land on airports in Bahrain
                            should obtain landing permission from the Iranian Government.
                            In response to un enquiry by Her Majesty's Embassy, the
                            Jordun Ministry of Foreign Affuirs confirmed that the
                            memorandum hud been received und said that no reply or
                            acknowledgement had boon oent to the Persian Government.
                            The Ministry said that the mutter might be discussed at the
                            Council of tho Arub League,
                            6. On December 1 the Arub League Political Committee
                            discussed u memorandum submitted by the Jorduniun Government
                           . on tlris subject. Abdul Khalok Ilussouna, Secretury-Generul
                            of the Arab League, later declared thut the Committee had

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