Page 165 - Dilmun 26
P. 165
Two hundred years
treaty with the governor of Shiraz. report to the government of his
The most important point (which Majesty in 1877, in some parts of
is not correct) the fellowship this report.
of Bahrain to get Persia . The
Political Resident approves The writer, Lieutenant Charles
in this treaty that the British Rathbone Low , in the Indian
Government would supply the Navy Fleet and a member of
naval support which makes the the Geographic Association
government of Persia has control in London, mentions the first
over Bahrain. incident it was the detention of
Once again the government the ship Basin on 18th of May
in India had no idea about this 1797 in front of Rems it was
treaty. In this way Bruce was taken to Ras El Khymah for two
contradicting the policy of Britian days. In October of the same year
in the Gulf. The British Governor the ship Faber could not repel a
in India objected to what the naval attack and the leader of
Political Resident had done the attacking ship was Sheikh
assuring Sheikh Abdullah Ben Saleh from Ras El Khymah the
Ahmed the situation of Britain commander of the British ship
towards Bahrain. William Bruce (Lieutenant Karotzer) was killed
was transferred from his post in that attack.
and a copy of the message was On 19th November 1804 three
sent to the Shah in Persia , ships attacked the ship of Sayed
For the conditions of the Sultan of Masqat (El Badry)
second treaty which was signed and in that attack Sayed Sultan
between British in India and the was killed. His sons Sayed
Sheikhs of Bahrain an indirect Salem and SayedSaeed ruled
way that compelled Bahrain to until Sayed Salem died in (1821)
sign for these reasons: From the Sayed Saeed took over and ruled
documents of the Indian Fleet that for half a century.
documented the naval incidents
between (1613 --1863 ) and was In 1805, the two ships Shanon
issued in London in a shape of a and Termore were attacked
during their way to Basra from