Page 164 - Dilmun 26
P. 164
Two hundred years
Bombay. All the Arab sailors trade and putting an end for any
were killed and the English threat to the British interests .
sailors were set free near the So: The government of London,
Island (Qays) the hand of the India and Masqat decided to
commander of Shanon was cut prepare for a naval and overland
off and both ships were taken attack that aims at destroying
to Ras El Khymah. The ships all the Arabian ports which were
Shanon and Tremore did not used at that time by the fleet
repel the attack because of of (Al Kawasim) . That means
orders that were issued from Ras El Khymah, Shanas, Rams,
the president of the Governing Baseedo and even Manama port
Council in Bombay, not to repel that had ships from Shargah and
any attack. Ras El Khymah destroyed there.
The day ended by imposing a
On 6th February1806, a deal was treaty on the Sheikhs of what
held in Bander Abbas and the was called at that time (the
two ships were retrieved that reconciling coast) with the British
deal was called the deal of 1806, Government and was signed
but in April 1808 three Arab ships on 6th January 1820 by Sheikh
attacked the ship Lively near Sultan Ben Saqr Al Qasmy (the
Gujarat coast. governor of El Sharqah) , Sheikh
On 20th October 1808, the ship Hassan Ben Rahmah Al Qasmy,
Silf was attacked and all the Sheikh Qadib Ben Ahmed ,
sailors were killed. The numbers Sheikh Shakhbout Ben Ziab Al
of ships Belong to Emirate Coast Nahian ,Sheikh Tahnoun Ben
at that time were 63 big ships and Shakhbout and Sheikh Hassan
813 small ships, many incidents Ben Ali.
followed up until 1820. On 15th March 1820 all the
Sheikhs on board the ship of the
As it appears from the documents Commander of the campaign
and the British messages that General William Grant signed the
the main reason for the British treaty. And signed on behalf of
interfering in the Gulf is the naval the Sheikhs of Bahrain (Sheikh
security keeping the safety of