Page 159 - Dilmun 26
P. 159

Two hundred years

is important to find an example    There was a penalty imposed,
for the Arab Tribes that would be  (100000 Toman or Dollars) to
present always in their memory     compensate Qatar residents.
and this might be Sheikh of        THE SECOND VISIT:
Bahrain to make him an example     In September 1869 Sheikh Ali
for the others )).                 Ben Khalifa and his son Ibrahim
                                   were killed in El Dhela battle. On
In a treaty of 1868 Sheikh of      19th November 1869 the Political
Bahrain Mohammed Ben Khalifa       Resident Pelly arrived to Bahrain
pledged (I pledge on myself to     in his war ships bombarded
avoid any bad works in the sea     Manama fort took Sheikh
of any kind whether a clear war    Mohammed Ben Khalifa and
or as punishment or bringing       Mohammed Ben Abdullah Ben
servants(slaves) since the         Ahmed as prisoners to India. The
British Country is protecting and  people of Bahrain chose Sheikh
keeping ours .( Myself and all Al  Essa Ben Ali Sheikh for Bahrain
Khalifa Sheikhs in Bahrain follow  at that time. Pelly’s first and
this pledge)                       second visit meant (loyalty as a
                                   result of using power) and the
Sheikh Mohmmed Ben Khalifa         policy of shooting, then discuss.
broke this treaty in June,1869 in  In the period between Lewis
Damssa battle (between Qatar       Pelly’s departure from Boshahr
and Bahrain), after that the       1872 and the appointment of
Political Resident Pelly arrived   Major Percy Zakaria Cox as a
Bahrain on board of three war      Political Resident in Boshahr
ships Clair, Hurose and Viglint .  (April 1900 – April 1904) eleven
On 6th September 1868 he           political Residents were
arrived at Abu Maher fort and      appointed.
shot at the boats around it which  In 1898 Lord George Nathanial
belonged to Sheikh Mohammed.       Curzon took the position of
Sheikh Ali Ben Khalifa signed      Viceroy of the King in India and
a treaty and became Sheikh of
Bahrain after Sheikh Mohammed
Ben Khalifa left the country.

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