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Two hundred years

                   was Agha Mohammed Rahim Al          –1909) arrived to Bahrain on
                   Safar whom the British saw the      18th October 1904 from that
                   necessity of his replacement and    day the intentions of the Agency
                   appointing a British agent in his   to control everything in Bahrain
                   place. Lieutenant Colonel John      began.
                   Mead (June 1897 – April 1900)       On the Persian Coast there
                   the Political Resident in Boshahr   were things that began to take a
                   approved this decision.             room of interest from the British
                   On 24th September,1899 the          presence in the Gulf. In 1862
                   British India Government began      –1867 Mr. Partel Freire took
                   to put a plan to establish an       the position of the Governor of
                   agency in Bahrain and Lord          Bombay region and became the
                   Curzon, the king’s Viceroy in       second man in India. After his
                   India, supported this idea and      appointment, the British Trade
                   recommended to appoint an           Ships began to do their trips to
                   English agent in Bahrain .          the Gulf.
                                                       Partel Freire was not satisfied
                   In January, 1900 The first British  of Captain Johns the Political
                   Agent John Calcott Gaskin           Resident in Boshahr (James
                   was appointed (January  11900t0h    Felix Johns October 1855 –1862)
                   –October 1904). On the              Johns was raising the slogan
                   February he arrived to Manama,      (live and let others live). This
                   and his visit was temporary         was in Freire opinion a give up
                   because he was working as           for the British Interests. On the
                   an assistance to the Political      first vacation for Johns to Britain,
                   Resident in Boshahr.                Lewis Pelly was appointed the
                                                       Political Resident in Boshar
                   The temporary agent tried to        (1862 – 1872) and his slogan
                   get the approval of Sheikh          (the right man in the right place).
                   Essa Ben Ali to run the port,       These special years were the
                   London Government and India         most important in the relation
                   Government wanted an agent          with Bahrain (1868 -1869) In the
                   in a continuous presence in         first visit, Pelly wrote saying ((It
                   Bahrain and Captain F B Bredo
                   (Francis Begel Bredo) (1904

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