Page 156 - Dilmun 26
P. 156

Two hundred years

                   Crown Prince Sheikh was taken         insisted on his situations, we
                   as a hostage.                         would suggest, the occupation
                   The matter was over and all the       of the customs of Bahrain and
                   properties of Sheikh Ali Ben          we have to be careful and send
                   Ahmed sold in the ports of the        the right number of men to face
                   Gulf his followers were exiled        any resistance).
                   5 years from Bahrain. The             So, the British Agent in Bahrain
                   soldiers of the Political Resident    (Brido) {1904 –1909} sent a
                   destroyed the post of the flag of     message to the Political Resident
                   Sheikh Essa Ben Ali the (symbol       in Boshahr Sir Percy Cox on 19th
                   of the rule)                          November 1904 saying: ( I know
                   The plan of Britain towards           that our government still hesitant
                   Bahrain continued. Lord Curzon        concerning the customs’subject.
                   resigned from his post as a           I inform you that if Britain did
                   Viceroy to the king in 1904 but       not do that, the results would be
                   his policy was continuing and his     opposite in all the ports of the
                   trials to dominate the customs of     Gulf. So, I hope that your orders
                   Bahrain never ended.                  reach me and giving me the
                   In February, 1905 this secret         validity to punish them hard and
                   message from the Indian office        in a fast possible way).
                   was sent to the foreign affairs       This visit was followed by the fleet
                   in London ( Sir, we think that        visit which the Political Resident
                   Sheikh of Bahrain did not put         Percy Cox accompanied as we
                   into consideration the advices        said before.
                   of the Political Resident. So, the    I began with you from 1816
                   Indian Government wants to take       till we reached 1905 and the
                   the decisive procedures towards       motto through it was without
                   the Sheikh and we suggest to          any friendly feelings towards the
                   the general commander of the          Gulf.
                   eastern India to send the 2 military  For the government of India or
                   ships Fox and Sphinx to join the      London, the motto was (Rule
                   Red Breast. If Sheikh of Bahrain

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