Page 157 - Dilmun 26
P. 157

Two hundred years

–December 1913) (November             worked in Bahrain. This incident
1914 – October 1920). This            was reported to the Political
Resident studied Persian, Arabic      Resident who was at that time in
and Hindostani and was known          a visit to Karon river in Mohamara
in his youth (the matchstick) for     . So he took the ship Red Breast
his thin body and his intelligence.   and came to Bahrain arriving on
Two years before that visit , it was  30th November 1904. He asked
( supposed to be friendly)in May      Sheikh Essa to apologize and a
1909 Lord Lansdon secretary           financial compensation for the
of foreign affairs in London          German employee (1000 rupees)
Government said in his speech         and whipping four aggressors.
in the House of Lords ( I will say    As for this visit as mentioned in the
it without any hesitation that we     Friendly Relations Documents
consider that any establishment       on 25th February 1905 when
of naval or military base or any      the Political Resident Percy Cox
fortifications in the ports of        returned with 3 military ships Fox
the Gulf by any other powers          , Sphinx and Red Breast pointing
except us would be lethal and         their cannons towards Manama
we have to resist it by all our       asking for the following :
powers). Completely agreed to         1 – The exile of Sheikh Ali Ben
Lord Curzon strategy in his visit     Ahmed Ben Ali out of Bahrain.
to the Gulf in 1903.The visit of      2 – The punishment of the
(matchstick) was not friendly         aggressors.
and Arnold Wilson proved that         3 – The compensation of the
in his book (The Gulf) when he        Persians in the last incidents.
said (Percy Cox is infected with      4 – The establishment of a police
the disease of complete trust in      power to protect the market.
victory).                             The soldiers came down after
In 1904 a conflict took place         the cannons shot some warning
between Sheikh Ali Ben Ahmed          shots, and Sheikh Hamad the
Ben Ali and a German employee in
the company of Her Wenkhouse,
a German company which

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