Page 158 - Dilmun 26
P. 158

Two hundred years

                   his motto was (domination and         When Lord Curzon arrived to
                   the British interests in the Gulf     Bahrain, Sheikh Mohammed
                   area were subjects that had no        Ben Essa with Sheikh Abdul
                   discussion, and Britain would         Rahman Ben Abdul Wahab
                   not give up its place in the Gulf     came to welcome the Viceroy of
                   for any other civilized power         the king and decided to meet
                   because that means sharing with       Sheikh Essa Ben Ali at 1:30 pm.
                   Britain its interests).               Sheikh Essa arrived with the
                   British strategy began to go          Crown Prince Sheikh Hamad,
                   forward in Bahrain with more          Abdalla Bin Essa and Sheikh
                   importance, and that was              Salman Ben Hamad, the Viceroy
                   assured when Lord Curzon              chose the ship Bofone for that
                   visited the Gulf: At 5 pm on          meeting and his comment was
                   16th November 1903, the ship          as follows: .
                   Harding left the port of Kratchi      As for Bahrain alone, the trip did
                   with the Viceroy of the king and      not lead to any thing that had any
                   his wife their leave was a royal      effect on its well known stubborn
                   celebration accompanied by            and quarrelsome Sheikh. But
                   many military ships and others of     Britain would not leave a room
                   communications like Argonote,         for doubt in its intentions to take
                   Hisnet Fox and Harding.               away influence except hers in
                   After the visit of Muscat and El      these important and strategic
                   Shareqa, as mentioned before,         islands. That saying was the
                   the visit was(from the motives        next strategy to deal with the
                   of the British interests taking       Sheikhs of Bahrain whether by
                   care of the Indian subjects and       the Resident in Bushair or the
                   legal rights to interfere in all the  Agency Bahrain.
                   waters that joins India) in the       ( In December 2016 celebration)
                   Emirates.(Lord Curzon assured         The visits of the British Fleet
                   all the Sheikhs that there were       in the Gulf to Bahrain was
                   no need to contact any other          mentioned in 1905 and with that
                   powers since their existence          fleet was the Political Resident
                   was connected with the British        Percy Cox in Bushahr (April 1904

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