Page 161 - Dilmun 26
P. 161

Two hundred years

company :                            visit Bahrain for a short time
In 1613, Thomas Aldrowth, from       every year.
his position in Surat, wrote to      With the presence of Turkish
the East India Company to open       power in the Eastern Arabia
a trade center in Persia and to      and the extension of the Turkish
put Bahrain into consideratioan      influence in Qatar in 1895 with
where its port can get 200 or        their arrival at El Zobarah ,
300 tons of goods. The company       Britain declared that the demand
agreed to open centers in            of Turkey that Bahrain under
Asfahan and Shiraz in 1617 and       Turkish influence is not correct.
Bander Abbas in 1623 Bahrain         (The Government of His Majesty
was excluded from that.              would offer its protection to
After a century of Thomas            Bahrain against any foreign
Aldrowth’s suggestion, the agent     interference).
at Bandar Abbas Mr. Edward           The British India Government
Adowth wrote a similar message       had to confirm its presence
and after him the following agent    in Bahrain through the control
Henry Savage in 1750 asking          of state income. The chance
the company›s administration to      arrived in 1898 when Sheikh Essa
transfer the Trade Center from       Ben Ali asked the government
Bandar Abbas to Bahrain.             of India to acknowledge that
The company agreed on the            Sheikh Hamad Ben Essa to be
last suggestion but the death        the Crown prince.
of Henry Savage stopped the          The answer of the Government
project. After that, other treaties  of India was on condition that the
were signed as a result for          Sheikh would agree on a British
the naval conflicts in the Gulf      supervision on the Manama Port
Waters. Britain appointed (as we     andstop weaponssmugglingwith
mentioned before) agents for her     appointing a British employee
in Bahrain from 1820 –1879 and       as a representative of the British
the Government of India asked        Indian Government. The Local
the assistant of the Resident to     Agent for Britain at that time

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