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‫السلاح البرتغالي‬

                      (Barem Fortalesa)                           (Ormuz Fortalesa)

                                         ‫الهوامش والمراجع‬

                  K.M. Mathew, «The economics of Por�             1 - Manuel, Garcia, José., ed., )1983),
                  tuguese Shipbuilding in Goa to 1773», in        Viagens dos Descobrimentos, (Lisbon(,
                  K.S.Mathew, ed., Shipbuilding & Naviga�         Editorial Presença, p.183.
                  tion in Indian Ocean (New Dehi), pp.89-         2 - M. Pearson, (2003), The Indian Ocean,
                  93; and 140-146.                                (London), p. 118.
                  8 - Huei, Sim Yong, (2009), Vol. 17, “Por�      3 - About this topic, see: Rogers, Fran�
                  tuguese armada in 16th century”, Portu�         cis. M.,( 1962.), The Quest for Eastern
                  guese Studies Review, (Canada), p.74.           Christians: Travel and Rumor in the Age
                                                                  of Discovery, (Minneapolis) University of
                    .‫ انظر صور أنواع المدافع في هذا البحث‬- 9      Minnesota Press.
                                                                  4 - Dejanirah Couto and Rui Manuel
                  10 - Rodrigues and Tevezes, (2009), Por�        Loureiro, ed. (2007), Revisiting Hormuz:
                  tugal: o pioneiro da globalização : a Her�      Portuguese Interactions in the Persian
                  ança das descobertas, (Lisbon), Centro          Gulf Region in the Early Modern Period,
                  Atlántico, p. 263                               (Lisbon), Calouste Gulbenkian Founda�
                  11 -           tion, p. viiii
                  =Portuguese+Guns+and+Cannons.                   5 - Al-Salman, M.,(2005), Unpublished
                                                                  PhD thesis, Aspects of Portuguese Rule
                  ‫كان من المقرر بعد أن نُقل هذا المدفع الإسلامي‬   in the Arabian Gulf, 1521–1622, Hull, The
                                                                  University of Hull.
                  ‫ أن يتم التخلص‬،‫إلى العاصمة البرتغالية لشبونة‬    6 - Translating: “the world is a ring and
                                                                  Hormuz a precious stone set in it”, see:
                  ،)‫منه بصهره لصنع تمثال الدوم (خوسيه الأول‬       Dejanirah Couto and Rui Manuel Lourei�
                  ،‫إلا أنه تقرر أخيراً أن يتم الحفاظ عليه كما هو‬  ro, ed. (2007),p. viiii
                                                                  7 - See: V.L. G., Rodrigues, (1997),
                            .ً‫ووضع في المتحف العسكري لاحقا‬        «Military Structure of Portuguese Navy
                                                                  in Indian Ocean in 16th century»; and
                  12 -
                  13 - See: Castro, João de, (1991), Roteiro
                  do Mar Roxo, Introdução de Luís de Al�
                  buquerque, (Lisbon), Colecção «História

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