Page 504 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 504
Finally, -with tho co-oporation of Shaikh Jabir of Kuwait and tho dipi^
matic8kill of the Shaikh of Mohammerah, who was throughout of tho highest
service to tho Chief Political Officer, the delicate problem raised by tho presonco
of tho Ajman among tho friendly tribe-* reached a satisfactory solution. p0r
tho period of the war a truce between Cbn Sand and the Ajman was agreed
upon and instructions wore drafted defining tho position of the fugitive Shaikhs
with respect to all tribes under our pro.
Amt Bateau, herewith ondo'od.
tection. On his return to Basrah, Sjr
Percy Cox called in the Ajman leaders. They had boon profoundly disquieted
by the advent of Ibn Saud thinking that it augured ill for themselves, but the
principal and moro courageous headmen met tho Chief Political Officer at Zubair
and accepted the proposed terms, in return for which they were promised a
monthly allowance similar to that received by the other friendly Shaikhs of the
Shamiyah. They evinced little doubt that tho remaining headmen of the
Ajman, including the two who were still with Ajaimi, would come in as soon as
they heard of the happy issue of their own venture.
Letters have been written to Pahad Bog ibn Hadhdhal informing him of
the Kuwait meeting and invitkg him to join the league of Arab Chiefs in
expelling tho Turks. These have been sent through a man from Pahad Beg’s
tents who was in Basrah at tho time of Ibn Saud’s visit and went to see him
at Mohammerah; where he received advice and instruction from Shaikh Khazal
in full measure. He was entrusted also with letters from the Sharif which
have been waiting opportunity of despatch to Pahad Beg, Hachim al Muhaid,
Ali Sulaiman of the Dulairn and others, and with presents in money to guide
Fahad Beg’s decision and to encourage the amicable disposition of the Shaikh
of the Dahomshah, Jaza ibn Mijlad. Communications of the same naturo are
on their way to Atiyah al Qulai of Najaf and Muhammad ali Kamunah of
Copy of a translation of an agreement,, dated the 26th Rajah 1333 (10th June
1915J between Shaikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdur Rahman al Faisal, Ruler of
Jtajd, and Shaikh Sand bin Abdul Aziz bin Rashid, Amir of Hail and
Shammar tribe.
(Note by bin Saud.- This is a verbatim copv of the paper executed between myself aDd bin
In the name of God the Most Merciful and Compassionate.
This ia the agreement between me Saud bin Abdul Aziz bin Bashid and
Abdul Aziz bin Saud. That is to say.
Brother ! God has facilitated at my arrival at my (!) town Kuwait on the
22nd instant, in good condition of health and happiness. And my object is to
meet my honoured brother, Shaikh Jabir, on his succession (as Shaikh of
Kuwait) and to renew, inshallah, the perpetual alliance and co-operation ior
our benefit, prestige and happiness and, thanks to Providence, this our meeting
coincided with the presence of our exalted brother, Shaikh Kbazal Khan, 89
that we were greatly pleased. We have all determined unanimously to do
what will conduce to the honour of Arabs and enhance their greatness.
And this your present attitude is a dangerous one and harmful to your
own interests and those of tho Arab race generally, it is therefore incumbent on
us to explain to you the portent of it, for you, my brother, are regarded as one of
ourselves, and belong to one of the noblest of Arab elements and we wish you
prosperity and dignity just as we wish them for ourselves, in regard to every
desirable oircumsfance which promotes the repulation of Arabs, honours tbcm»
and preserves their dignity : and this end will not be attained oxcopt by meet
ings and undertakings ana sincere co-operation between us all.
And according to our expectations and our confidence in vour zeal oud
characteristic Arabian qualities, vou will bo obliged and gratified by whatever
promotes the good name of tho Arabs and their honour, and enhances the*