Page 507 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 507

FOR TIIK YEAR 1916.                     83
                1?th November.—TIio Hoh’blo tho Political Resident and Chief Political
             Officer, Indian Expeditionary Porco “ D, ** arrived on board H. M. S.
            “ Lawrence ” and put up at tho Agency. On tho following days visits were
            exchanged with tho Shaikhs of Kuwait and Moliammorah.
                19th November.—H. M. S. “Juno,” flying the flag of Comraodoro 'Wake,
            arrived with Bin Saud. Tho Chief Political Officer with the Political Agent
            nnd also a deputation from tho Shaikh of Kuwait went off to tho “Juno”
            to meet Bin Saud. Tho latter subsequently camo ashoro to bo tho guest of
            {be Shaikh.
                20th November.—Bin Saud called on tho Chief Political Officer at the
                Later a Durbar -was held in tho Palace at which, in addition to Bin
            Saud, the Shaikhs of Kuwait and Mohammorah, all the notables of Kuwait wore
            assembled. Tho Chief Political Officer presented Bin Saud with tho insignia
            of the K. C. I. E., and Shaikh Jabir with that of tho 0. S. I. Strong
            political speeches were mado by the assembled Shaikhs, who swore to stand
            firm in their alliance with Great Britain and to secure unanimity among
            the Arabs in order to support the Sharif in his struggle for liberty.
               22nd November.—The Chief Political Officer and tho Political Agent
            met the three Shaikhs for a final discussion on the line of action to be taken.
               23rd November.—The Chief Political Officer left for Basrah in the “ Lewis
            Pelly ” and Bin Saud proceeded with the Shaikh of Mohammcrah in the
            “Persepolis ” to the Shatt-el-Arab and to visit Basrah.
               29th November.—Bin Saud and the Shaikh of Mohammerah returned to
            Euwait. The former departed for Qatif and Haasa three days later.
               loth December.—Ibn Haiyar raided camels belonging to a Zulfi caravan
            grazing Dear Jahara. Theso have since been returned by Ibn Rashid.
               20th December.—News received of Saud as Salih Ibn Subhan of Hail
            marching towards Zubair to join British.

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