Page 512 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 512


                                               APPENDIX II.

                      Report by Mr. F. Pinsrnt, Assistant Superintendent, Jask Sub-Division, Jndo-Eu ropean
                         Telegraph Deportment, No. 17, dated the 1st July 1916, in connection with the importa­
                         tion of arms and ammunition into the 3lekran, during the half-year ending SOth June
                         Only one landing of ten Snider rifles ot Sadaich was reported on 19th February; prior
                     to and subsequent to this date no arms, etc., were imported by sea.
                         The number and disposition of the patrols employed remain as at the close of the last
                         A few modern rifles, the exact or approximate number cannot be ascertained, were pur-
                     chasul at Minab and Bandar Abbas by Baluchis from different districts in Persian Baluchis­
                     tan aud smuggled into the Mekran through the Biaban district. These rifles were disposed
                     of to Afghan traders in the Karwau district. The number of these traders during the period
                     under review has decreased considerably, small parties consisting of 3 to 4 men were reported
                     to be travelling in search of arms in or about the Karwan district during the winter months,
                     but all reports say that they were most unsuccessful in procuring rifles of a modern type and
                     had to purchase weapons of an inferior kind at a high price.
                         The Khalifa of Deb ai, Saivid Muhammad Umer, who* landed from the Arab Coast last
                     year, is in residence in the Biaban district aud it is said that the rifles, revolvers, eto., he
                     brought across with him are 6till in his possession. The total number of rifles, eto,, of a
                     modern type reported to be with him exceeds 700, but it is difficult to credit the report and
                     it is impossible to verify the approximate number a6 no one in the country, I am given lo
                     understand, has the man's confidence.
                     Report by Mr. F. Fintent, Assistant Superintendent, Jask Sub-Division, Indo-European
                         Telegraph Department, No. 40, dated the 1st January 1917, tn connection toith the »m-
                        portation of arms and ammunition into the Mekran, during the half-year ending 31st
                        December 1916.
                         One landing of arms was reported besides which there is little or ndtbing of importance
                     to call for any remarks.
                        The landing referred to was reported by the Sirgan telephone man who said that 49
                     rifles and a small quantity of ammunition were discharged at Khunarak, on the 19th Septem­
                     ber 1916. The consignment was said to have been brought across from the Arab Coast hr
                     one Muhammad Ifaji Shahdad, a subject of Mir Din Muhammad of Dashtyari, and that all
                     the rifles were of an inferior type.
                        Afghan traders in search of arms were few and far between, occasional reporta having
                     been received of their movements in the Karwan district, and all reports were to the effect
                     that rifles iu very small quantities were purchased and that at a very high price.

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