Page 510 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920
P. 510


                    of the Action taken at tbcao porta has, I understand, been excellent. At the samo time the
                    natives havo been taught that they cannot murder British official* or assist the murderers
                    subsequently with impunity.
                        The remainder of tho year in the northern part of tho Gulf passed without incident
                    os for ns tho navy ia concerned. Permanent buoys havo been laid to mark the channel into
                    Busbiro from the outer anchorage to the customs house. This will prove a great benefit
                    to the boats or ships visiting the place as well ua to native craft.
                        On tho Mekran Coast there ba9 been some unrest among tho local chiefs but on only
                    one occasion has the navy hod to interfere. Towards tho end of March intelligence wai
                    received that ono Shahdulla had established himself in Jtho town of Charbar and proposed to
                    sack tho town and destroy tho telegraph station unless he got satisfaction for tho death of
                    a relative who wus killed when making an attack on tho town in tho previous year.
                    " Philomel " was at Musket but arrived promptly on tho sceno and not only stopped
                     the attack but captured Shuhdulla and his chief men. A few rounds were fired from her
                    heavy guns and nn armed party was landed to assist the military forces. “ Philomel " took
                    Shahdulla and his men on board and eventually they wero deported to Burma.
                        On the Trucial Coast trouble aroso between two of tho chiefn of Shargah and Ilamriyab.
                    At the request of the Consul General " Philomel " and “ Clio " proceeded to these places
                    and eventually tho ouarrel was settled by Captain of “ Philomel" without any fighting which
                    at one time appeared imminent.
                       There was a certain amount of anxiety at Maskat and neighbourhood in June and July
                    owing to aggressive action by tho Imam against the Sultan's territory. *l'he presence of
                    men-of-war at Maskat and the adjacent ports prevented any serious action against His
                       It has been arranged to moor a 600 ton oil lighter at Mattrah Bay to avoid the danger
                    and unpleasantness to the Snltan of storing oil on shore. Tho oil is for the use of oil burning
                    craft on passage from England to Mesopotamia.
                       Tho Coaling Depot at Hen jam has been greatly developed and is used principally for
                    bunkering transports from Basrah and thus relieving the congestion at that port due to labour
                    troubles. A 6team launch has been stationed at this place.
                       Various vessels have been employed patrolling for the prevention of the Arms Traffic.
                       Much information of a valuable hydrographic nature has been gained and will bo most
                    useful in the near future. A set of Persian Gulf notes has been compiled and is 6till being
                    added to by the Captain of the “ Britoinart" and these are already invaluable. A copy has
                    been supplied to Deputy Political Resident at Bushire and fulfils a want expressed some years
                    ago by the Chief Political Officer.
                       The summer of 1916 has been abnormal, and the crews of vessels of the Persian Gulf
                    Squadron have suffered severely in health.
                       Various changes have taken place in the squadron during the year and by December 3lst
                    it consisted of "Juno, " " Philomel, " " Bramble, " " Lawrence, " " Mozaffer" and " Azerbai*
                    jan." The two latter vessels have been hired from the Persian Government (they were
                    seized when Buehire was captured on August bth, 1915) at a rent of £i,400 per year. They
                    have been thoroughly refitted and fitted with wireless telegraphy and are an invaluable addition
                    to the Squadron.
                       I^append a list of the visits made by His Majesty's Ships at the various ports during the

                          List of visits made by Hit Majesty’s ships at various ports during year 1916.

                                 Port.                 Number of visits and ships visited by.

                       Abadan                  Bramble (3).
                       Sir Abu Na Air          Britomart (1).
                       Azalu .   •             Bramble (4), Clio (1).              ...
                       Bahrain.                Juno (1), Philomel (1), Lawrence (6), Britomart (4),
                                               Bramble (2), Mozaffer (1), Imugene (1).
                       Bandar Abbas            Pyramus (4>), Philomel (4), Juno (1), Britomart (*)j
                                               Lawrence (1), Mozaffer (’).
                       Bandar Rig .            Juno (1).
                       Barkeh .                 Britomart (l).
                       Batineh Coast           Mozaffer (1).
                       A1 Bida                 Lawrence (1).
                       Bungi .   ,
                       Busbire   •             Juno™10)l Philomel (3), Lawrence (18), Bramble (10).
                                               Britomart (11), Clio (2), Mozaffer (2), Pyramus (l),
                                               Euryalus (1), Dalhousio (1).

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